I kind of like social distancing.
Caveat: This post is in no way meant to take away from the seriousness that is happening all over the world right now. Things are scary and stressful. Most of the US has been told to stay home which has created all kinds of issues for people, but by staying home we're keeping each other safe and that's important.
About six months ago I found the most perfect sweatshirt for myself at Target. As an extreme introvert who would happily stay at home 24/7 I couldn't resist buying it. It has seen many wears since then, especially over the last five weeks of social distancing. I don't think I've put on a pair of jeans at all. Sweats and yoga pants all day, every day.
Staying home is not much of a sacrifice for me because I love it, but I know there are plenty of people that are struggling right now. I have four kids, a husband, two cats, and a dog at home with me. We're basically our own village, so I'm never alone. I do miss having time to myself, but over the weeks we've all adjusted and it's nice spending extra time together.
As the weeks have passed, my anxiety level has decreased a bit, while my thankfulness has increased. I don't know what our world will look like when things get "back to normal", but I know I have learned to be a little more thankful. And maybe when we come out of quarantine, I'll so ready to get back out there, that I'll be a little less of an introvert.
Take Care and Wash Your Hands!