The day is here. I've published my first book. I'm excited, happy, and truthfully a little lost. Publishing is a lot more complicated than I thought, especially in our social-media heavy world. It has been a roller-coaster, but I'm grateful to have the chance to try my hand at doing what I love.
I'm a life-long, voracious reader and I've always wanted to be a published author. I wrote a couple of novels before life got too hectic, but I didn't think they were good enough to show anyone. Now during peak hectic, I've written Magic in Bloom and I feel confident enough to put it out in the world.
If you're reading this post, then I hope you enjoy Magic in Bloom and this website. Please feel free to leave any comments or helpful suggestions. Thanks!
Your humble author,
L.M. Thornburg
Hey Sis! My book is probably on the porch as I type this comment. Can Not Wait to READ it!!!
So very very happy for you and proud of you!